Personal Pronoun:
Subject pronoun: I we you they he she it
Object pronoun: me us you them him her it
(a) Kate is married. She has two children
(b) Kate is my friend. I know her well
(c) Mikehas a new blue bicycle. He bought it yesterday.
A pronoun refers to a noun.
In (a): she is a pronoun; it refers to Kate
In (b): her is a pronoun; it refers to Kate
She is a subject pronoun, her is an object pronoun.
(d) Eric and I are good friends.
(e) Ann met Eric and me at the museum
(f) Ann walked between Eric and me
Guidelines for using pronouns following and: if the pronoun is used a part of the subject, use a subject pronoun as in (d). If it part of the object, use an object pronoun, as in (e) and (f).
Incorrect: Eric and me are good friends
Incorrect: Ann met Eric and I at the museum.
Singular pronoun: I me you he, she, it him, her
Plural pronoun: we us you they them
(g) Mike is in class. He is taking a test
(h) The students are in class. They are taking a test.
(i) Kate and Tom married. They have two children.
Singular = one. Plural= more than one. Singular pronouns refer to singular nouns, plural pronouns to plural nouns, as in the examples.
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