Friday, March 13, 2015


(a) How did you get here?
I drove/By car
I took a taxi/ By taxi
I took a bus/ By bus
I flew/By plane
I took a train/ By train
I walked/On foot
How has many uses. One use of how is to ask about means (ways) of transportation.
(b) How old are you? Twenty-one
(c) How tall is he? About six feet
(d) How big is your apartment? It has three rooms
(e) How sleepy are you? Very sleepy
(f) How hungry are you? I’m starving
(g) How soon will you be ready? In five minutes
(h) How well he does speak English? Very well
(i) How quickly can you get here? I can get there in 30 minutes.
How is often used with adjective (e.g., old, big) and adverb (e.g., well, quickly)
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