(a) It is 289 miles from St. Louis to Chicago
(b) It is 289 miles (from St. Louis to Chicago, from Chicago to St, Louis, to Chicago from St, Louis, to St. Louis from Chicago)
The most common way of expressing distance It is + distance + from/ to + to/from
In (b): All four expressions with from and to have the same meaning.
(c) A: How far is it from St, Louis to Chicago?
B: 289 miles
(d) A: How far do you live from school?
B: Four blocks
How far is used to ask question about distance
(e) How many miles is it from st. Louis to Chicago?
(f) How many kilometers is it to Montreal from here?
(g) How many blocks is it to the post office?
Other ways to ask how far: how many miles, how many kilo meters, how many blocks
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